Taking the challenge... Inspiring hope
BYLC Dress Standards
Students must wear clothing and footwear appropriate for the BYLC program. Clothes should be worn to school that are suitable for working in workshops, farm, kitchen, etc. without requiring changing during the day. * Sleeves are a requirement for all tops, meaning that straps and singlets are not permitted. Polo shirts are ideal because of the collar and improved sun safety factor. Safety is important and very loose-fitting clothing must not be worn.
Provocative or revealing clothing is not allowed eg. clothes that show bare midriffs or figure-hugging tops, strapless tops, low cut tops, very short shorts or skirts are not to be worn. Clothing must be worn as it was designed to be and not removed. Clothing should not display inappropriate motifs or pictures (e.g., drug references, sex, swear words).
Most sessions require specialised protective clothing (e.g. steel capped boots) to be worn to meet the requirements of the Workplace Health and Safety Act. Students are not permitted to wear joggers*, thongs, slides or sandals in sessions. Joggers or casual shoes may be brought for recreation activities before school or lunchtime ONLY. Personal Protection Equipment is provided when required to be worn for safety. Staff may prohibit students from taking part in learning activities if dress is inappropriate and other consequences may apply for repeated breaches of the standards will be implemented as required.
Our clothing standards are very reasonable and are designed to allow students to work comfortably. This is a summary.
Wear shirts with sleeves
Wear clothes as they were designed to be worn
​Wear clothing suited for a manual workplace
Wear steel cap shoes or boots
Keep all your clothes on
Show respect for your school by accepting these standards
Wear shirts with offensive messages or drug references
Wear strappy, strapless or sleeveless tops like singlets
Wear revealing or skimpy clothing
Wear clothes you might need to change for a different session
Wear joggers* or uncovered shoes
Wear clothes that are excessively tight or loose
Take your clothes off
* an exception to this is where students are working out in gym and require active-wear for this activity. Students should bring suitable clothes for the remainder of the day on these occasions.